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Polar 155 CE Gergeck system six backgauge control Pilz control unit PIlz 2 hand control Pilz photocell safety Main motor: frequency driven. Complete with spare knife
Polar 155 CE

Gergeck system six backgauge control
Pilz control unit
PIlz 2 hand control
Pilz photocell safety
Main motor: frequency driven.

Complete with spare knife
Foll Feida 92 cm cutter Chrome air table Complete with tools and spare knife
Foll Feida 92 cm cutter

Chrome air table
Complete with tools and spare knife
Poar D 66 ECO papercutter Complete with tools and books in good wokring condition Year: 2020
Poar D 66 ECO papercutter
Complete with tools and books
in good wokring condition
Year: 2020
Perfecta S 86 This machine can cut vertical ( possible to install Zigzag knife) and can also cut diagonal.
Perfecta S 86

This machine can cut vertical ( possible to install Zigzag knife) and can also cut diagonal.
Polar 76 EM Year: 1986 Chrome table with air Complete with: - Spare knife - Knife change tools In good working condition, cleaned and checked.
Polar 76 EM

Year: 1986
Chrome table with air
Complete with:
- Spare knife
- Knife change tools

In good working condition, cleaned and checked.
Polar 155 ED cutting line, Year of manufacture: 1998 - Polar 155 ED with extended table. (Max size behind knife 200 cm) - Polar charger (left), type: 3BL185-6 - Polar stacker ( right ), type TR160ER-6
Polar 155 ED cutting line,

Year of manufacture: 1998
- Polar 155 ED with extended table. (Max size behind knife 200 cm)
- Polar charger (left), type: 3BL185-6
- Polar stacker ( right ), type TR160ER-6

Polar 78 XT guillotine Chrome table Touch screen Spare knife Knife change tools in good wokring condition
Polar 78 XT guillotine

Chrome table
Touch screen
Spare knife
Knife change tools
in good wokring condition

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