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For Sale: Large Format Booklet Maker Designed for digital and litho output Max sheet length: 640mm Creates: A4 landscape & portrait booklets Functions: Jogging, stapling, folding Optional: Modular T640 face trimmer Automatic operation: Photo sensor detects sheets and cycles machine automatically Capacity: Produces booklets up to 100 pages Precise alignment: Side jogs sheets from both sides before stapling Stapling: 2 stapling heads, 4 stapling positions Clenched staple finish Low staple warning & stop function Space-saving design: Built-in conveyor stacker folds away when not in use Energy-efficient: Drive motor shuts down automatically when idle Resettable counter Specifications: Paper size: A5 to 640mm x 320mm Power supply: 220V, 50Hz 📩 Contact us for pricing and more details!
For Sale: Large Format Booklet Maker

Designed for digital and litho output
Max sheet length: 640mm
Creates: A4 landscape & portrait booklets
Functions: Jogging, stapling, folding
Optional: Modular T640 face trimmer
Automatic operation: Photo sensor detects sheets and cycles machine automatically
Capacity: Produces booklets up to 100 pages
Precise alignment: Side jogs sheets from both sides before stapling
2 stapling heads, 4 stapling positions
Clenched staple finish
Low staple warning & stop function
Space-saving design: Built-in conveyor stacker folds away when not in use
Energy-efficient: Drive motor shuts down automatically when idle
Resettable counter
Paper size: A5 to 640mm x 320mm
Power supply: 220V, 50Hz
📩 Contact us for pricing and more details!

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