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A perfectly presented sample sells your floorcovering. So investing in the ETF sample cutting machine is a wise decision. It operates very quickly and reliably for any kind of carpet, needle felt or vinyl. The machine produces cut samples with a minimum dimension of 5x13 cm (w x l) with an accuracy of better than 1 mm. Operation costs are lower as no dies are required.
A perfectly presented sample sells your floorcovering. So investing in the ETF sample cutting machine is a wise decision. It operates very quickly and reliably for any kind of carpet,
needle felt or vinyl. The machine produces cut samples with a minimum dimension of 5x13 cm (w x l) with an accuracy of better than 1 mm. Operation costs are lower as no dies are required.
Perfecta S 86 This machine can cut vertical ( possible to install Zigzag knife) and can also cut diagonal.
Perfecta S 86

This machine can cut vertical ( possible to install Zigzag knife) and can also cut diagonal.
Leister Hemtek ST, Banner welding Banner welding The efficient HEMTEK ST welding machine welds hems from start to finish. It's perfect for small and medium-sized banners made of PVC, PE, PP and other thermoplastics. T
Leister Hemtek ST, Banner welding

Banner welding
The efficient HEMTEK ST welding machine welds hems from start to finish. It's perfect for small and medium-sized banners made of PVC, PE, PP and other thermoplastics. T

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