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Bobst Domino 100 M Maximum open blank width: 1000 mm, Straight Line, Automatic crash lock bottom, Glue disc, HSS point glue unit with 4 glueing heads
Bobst Domino 100 M

Maximum open blank width: 1000 mm,
Straight Line, Automatic crash lock bottom,
Glue disc,
HSS point glue unit with 4 glueing heads
Bobst domino 100- m Folder gluer Bobst. folding gluing machine Maximum open blank width: 1000 mm, Straight Line 4 HSS gluing guns No gluing Disk
Bobst domino 100- m Folder gluer Bobst.

folding gluing machine

Maximum open blank width: 1000 mm, Straight Line

4 HSS gluing guns

No gluing Disk
BOBST SP 102 E Year 1980 Hour counter: 28.950 achine speed 7500 sheets/hour, max. pressure 250 tons, workable material: paper 80 - 90 g/m², solid board up to 2000 g/m², Can be inspected in production.

Year 1980
Hour counter: 28.950

achine speed 7500 sheets/hour, max. pressure 250 tons,
workable material: paper 80 - 90 g/m², solid board up to 2000 g/m²,
Can be inspected in production.

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