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Wohlenberg 76 Paper Cutting Machine (1995) The Wohlenberg 76 paper cutting machine, built in 1995, is a reliable and accurate cutting solution for printing companies. With a cutting width of 76 cm and a maximum stacking height of 10 cm, this machine is ideal for processing various print formats. Equipped with hydraulic drive, a digital display, and extensive safety features, the Wohlenberg 76 offers both ease of use and safety. The machine weighs approximately 1500 kg, which contributes to its stability and precision.
Wohlenberg 76 Paper Cutting Machine (1995)

The Wohlenberg 76 paper cutting machine, built in 1995, is a reliable and accurate cutting solution for printing companies. With a cutting width of 76 cm and a maximum stacking height of 10 cm, this machine is ideal for processing various print formats. Equipped with hydraulic drive, a digital display, and extensive safety features, the Wohlenberg 76 offers both ease of use and safety. The machine weighs approximately 1500 kg, which contributes to its stability and precision.

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