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UNILOM MILACRON Blow moulding machine Type BW20 Year 2009 Equipped with MOOG parison thickness control and accumulation head Screw diameter: 90 mm WK130 torpedo extrusion head with pre-accumulator There is a stripping station and a robot Sold with 1 mold of 20 liter water bottles and 3 other molds This machine can produce 120 cans per hour
UNILOM MILACRON Blow moulding machine

Type BW20
Year 2009

Equipped with MOOG parison thickness control and accumulation head
Screw diameter: 90 mm
WK130 torpedo extrusion head with pre-accumulator
There is a stripping station and a robot
Sold with 1 mold of 20 liter water bottles and 3 other molds
This machine can produce 120 cans per hour

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