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SEGHERS SMC 220 L thermal stripping system Thermal stripping machine for cleaning parts covered with plastic, paint such as dies, nozzles, filters. The combustion chamber is heated to approximately 420 degrees. The metal parts to be cleaned are placed in a basket which is introduced into the preheated cleaning chamber. Perfect cleaning for a cycle time of 90 to 150 min. Dimensions of the cleaning chamber: diameter 220 mm and Length: 350 mm Dimensions of the basket: diameter 210 mm and length: 260 mm
SEGHERS SMC 220 L thermal stripping system
Thermal stripping machine for cleaning parts covered with plastic, paint such as dies, nozzles, filters.
The combustion chamber is heated to approximately 420 degrees.
The metal parts to be cleaned are placed in a basket which is introduced into the preheated cleaning chamber.
Perfect cleaning for a cycle time of 90 to 150 min.
Dimensions of the cleaning chamber: diameter 220 mm and Length: 350 mm
Dimensions of the basket: diameter 210 mm and length: 260 mm

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