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GENERAL INFORMATIONS Dimensions: 6200 x 2150 x Ht.2400 mm Weight: 13500 kg Engine power: 75 kw - INJECTION UNIT Plasticising capacity: (PS) 682 gr Ration length diameter: 23,7 Injection pressure: 2000 bar Scew diametre: 60 mm - CLOSING UNIT Plates dimensions: 995 x 1050 mm In between columns: 630 x 630 mm Clamping force: 280 TONS COMMENTS workings hours: 37000 Interface robot - 1 core

Dimensions: 6200 x 2150 x Ht.2400 mm
Weight: 13500 kg
Engine power: 75 kw

Plasticising capacity: (PS) 682 gr
Ration length diameter: 23,7
Injection pressure: 2000 bar
Scew diametre: 60 mm

Plates dimensions: 995 x 1050 mm
In between columns: 630 x 630 mm
Clamping force: 280 TONS

workings hours: 37000
Interface robot - 1 core
-INJECTION UNIT: Plasticising capacity: (PS) 50 gr/s Screw speed: 250 rpm Ration length diameter: 23 mm Injection pressure: 2200 bar Number of temperature zones: 4 Scew diametre: 52 mm Maximum injection rate: 190 cc/s Injection volume: 640 cm3 - CLOSING UNIT: Plates dimensions: 870 x 790 mm In between columns 570 x 510 mm Thickness mould mini/max: 200 / 630 mm COMMENTS: NEGRI-BOSSI 210 T : Very good condition Working Hour: 34808
Plasticising capacity: (PS) 50 gr/s
Screw speed: 250 rpm
Ration length diameter: 23 mm
Injection pressure: 2200 bar
Number of temperature zones: 4
Scew diametre: 52 mm
Maximum injection rate: 190 cc/s
Injection volume: 640 cm3

Plates dimensions: 870 x 790 mm
In between columns 570 x 510 mm
Thickness mould mini/max: 200 / 630 mm

NEGRI-BOSSI 210 T : Very good condition
Working Hour: 34808

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