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105 cm width, 6 printing unit, Roll to Roll gravure press, Eltromat register systems, PLC upgraded electronics, 60 extra cylinders and 6 masters for sleeves, updated and upgraded pneumatics, Gas dryer
105 cm width, 6 printing unit, Roll to Roll gravure press, Eltromat register systems, PLC upgraded electronics, 60 extra cylinders and 6 masters for sleeves, updated and upgraded pneumatics, Gas dryer
Mueller Martini Concept Year: 1996 Unwind 50 Inch Printing Units 4 x 24 inch and 4 x 25 inc Unigraphica stacker and a sheeter 2088 for DinA4 or possible to lengthen A3 or A2 There is also a unit available where placemats were printed in the past.
Mueller Martini Concept

Year: 1996
Unwind 50 Inch
Printing Units 4 x 24 inch
and 4 x 25 inc

Unigraphica stacker
and a sheeter 2088 for DinA4 or possible to lengthen A3 or A2

There is also a unit available where placemats were printed in the past.

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