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Belshaw Mark VI Automatic donut fryer, Serial: 22682, 2018, 4 wide automatic fryer for donuts, 1000+ donuts per hour, adjustable speed, timer and temp controls, with infeed conveyor, 1Ph
Belshaw Mark VI Automatic donut fryer, Serial: 22682, 2018, 4 wide automatic fryer for donuts, 1000+ donuts per hour, adjustable speed, timer and temp controls, with infeed conveyor, 1Ph
Capacity 60l, gas LPG, with a scraper and stirrer to scrape liquid eggs and stir fry ingredients, automatic temp control, variable speed, automatic tip discharge, suitable for cooking fried rice, fried noodle, dried meat cracker, dried meat floss, jerky, fried ground meat, ham, dried squid, steak, coffee, peanut, powder, bean, sugar coating, tea leaf, sesame, tofu, sticky rice and more, 3Ph
Capacity 60l, gas LPG, with a scraper and stirrer to scrape liquid eggs and stir fry ingredients, automatic temp control, variable speed, automatic tip discharge, suitable for cooking fried rice, fried noodle, dried meat cracker, dried meat floss, jerky, fried ground meat, ham, dried squid, steak, coffee, peanut, powder, bean, sugar coating, tea leaf, sesame, tofu, sticky rice and more, 3Ph
Stainless, single tank with twin basket, 24L oil capacity, 32.2Kw, natural gas
Stainless, single tank with twin basket, 24L oil capacity, 32.2Kw, natural gas

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