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Henneken MVT250 Vacuum tumbler, 2017, Stainless, 300Kg capacity, vacuum tumbler, Siemens HMI touch screen controls, vacuum lid, mobile, auto tilt discharge, with manual, 3Ph, (needs a new vac pump)
Henneken MVT250 Vacuum tumbler, 2017, Stainless, 300Kg capacity, vacuum tumbler, Siemens HMI touch screen controls, vacuum lid, mobile, auto tilt discharge, with manual, 3Ph, (needs a new vac pump)
Obst- und GemüsemaschinenVakuumprozessanlagen

NNP Flavouring drum, Stainless flavouring drum mounted on stainless stand, overall length 1600mm, diameter drum 600mm, 3Ph
NNP Flavouring drum, Stainless flavouring drum mounted on stainless stand, overall length 1600mm, diameter drum 600mm, 3Ph
Dorit VV3-450 vacuum tumbler, Serial: 941000323, Stainless, 450l vacuum tumbler, variable speed drum, with manual, with vacuum pump, 3Ph
Dorit VV3-450 vacuum tumbler, Serial: 941000323, Stainless, 450l vacuum tumbler, variable speed drum, with manual, with vacuum pump, 3Ph
Obst- und GemüsemaschinenVakuumprozessanlagen

1500Kg capacity, stainless contact parts, discharge through both sides, 3Ph
1500Kg capacity, stainless contact parts, discharge through both sides, 3Ph
Obst- und GemüsemaschinenVakuumprozessanlagen

Coating pan 150Kg stainless pan, 0.75Kw, 3Ph
Coating pan 150Kg stainless pan, 0.75Kw, 3Ph
Obst- und GemüsemaschinenVakuumprozessanlagen

Coating pan 150Kg stainless pan, 0.75Kw, 3Ph
Coating pan 150Kg stainless pan, 0.75Kw, 3Ph

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