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Theisen en Bonitz Sprint B312 VP ( 2008) Year: 2008 - 12 stations – format: min. 7x10cm, max. 35x50cm – paper weight: 18-800g/qm Complete with QSM 304 stitching - folding- 3 side trimming unit Equiped with hohner stithing heads Loops stitching heads available In mint condition !
Theisen en Bonitz Sprint B312 VP ( 2008)

Year: 2008
- 12 stations
– format: min. 7x10cm, max. 35x50cm
– paper weight: 18-800g/qm

Complete with QSM 304 stitching - folding- 3 side trimming unit
Equiped with hohner stithing heads
Loops stitching heads available

In mint condition !
Mkw 30ut/12 12 stations collating Stitching folding trimming machine Hohner stitching heads Possible with loop stitching heads
Mkw 30ut/12

12 stations collating
Stitching folding trimming machine
Hohner stitching heads
Possible with loop stitching heads
Horizon AC 8000 S collating machine * collating stations * suctions feeder * jogger with cris cross
Horizon AC 8000 S collating machine

* collating stations
* suctions feeder
* jogger with cris cross
Theisen en Bonitz Sprint HP 320 20 stations High pile collating machine Complete with pumps Theisen & Bonitz 303 stitching unit Equipped with 2 Hohner stitching heads and delivery belt. Max format: 350 x 50 cm
Theisen en Bonitz Sprint HP 320

20 stations High pile collating machine
Complete with pumps

Theisen & Bonitz 303 stitching unit
Equipped with 2 Hohner stitching heads and delivery belt.
Max format: 350 x 50 cm
Muller Laconda 620 – 9 stations collating – Folding stitching unit: HF 33 c – complete wit pump – Year 1990
Muller Laconda 620

– 9 stations collating
– Folding stitching unit: HF 33 c
– complete wit pump
– Year 1990

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