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Rabolini imperia (75×105) 4 punched windows Maximum size in die frame (75×105) 2 hand operated
Rabolini imperia (75×105)

4 punched windows
Maximum size in die frame (75×105)
2 hand operated
Leister Hemtek ST, Banner welding Banner welding The efficient HEMTEK ST welding machine welds hems from start to finish. It's perfect for small and medium-sized banners made of PVC, PE, PP and other thermoplastics. T
Leister Hemtek ST, Banner welding

Banner welding
The efficient HEMTEK ST welding machine welds hems from start to finish. It's perfect for small and medium-sized banners made of PVC, PE, PP and other thermoplastics. T
Heidelberg S-cilinder Format: 54 x 72 cm No damage With inking unit.
Heidelberg S-cilinder

Format: 54 x 72 cm
No damage
With inking unit.
Ryobi 522 HE Year 2006 Ryobimatic Dampening Technotrans Alpha D. Cooling Device Double Sheet Control SAPC Semi -Automatic Plate Change Automatic Blanket Washing Device Automatic Ink Roller Washing Device Impressions: ca. 35 Mio. (53 mio. revolutions)
Ryobi 522 HE
Year 2006

Ryobimatic Dampening
Technotrans Alpha D. Cooling Device
Double Sheet Control
SAPC Semi -Automatic Plate Change
Automatic Blanket Washing Device
Automatic Ink Roller Washing Device
Impressions: ca. 35 Mio. (53 mio. revolutions)
Polar 76 EM Year: 1986 Chrome table with air Complete with: - Spare knife - Knife change tools In good working condition, cleaned and checked.
Polar 76 EM

Year: 1986
Chrome table with air
Complete with:
- Spare knife
- Knife change tools

In good working condition, cleaned and checked.
Hyster E 3.00 XM Year : 2007 Max. lifting capacity: 3 ton Weight: ± 5170 kg Fork lenght: 110 cm
Hyster E 3.00 XM

Year : 2007
Max. lifting capacity: 3 ton
Weight: ± 5170 kg
Fork lenght: 110 cm
Ryobi 522 HE Year 2006 Ryobimatic Dampening Technotrans Alpha D. Cooling Device Double Sheet Control SAPC Semi-Automatic Plate Change Automatic Blanket Washing Device Automatic Ink Roller Washing Device Impressions: ca. 35 Mio. (53 million revolutions)
Ryobi 522 HE
Year 2006

Ryobimatic Dampening
Technotrans Alpha D. Cooling Device
Double Sheet Control
SAPC Semi-Automatic Plate Change
Automatic Blanket Washing Device
Automatic Ink Roller Washing Device
Impressions: ca. 35 Mio. (53 million revolutions)
Polar 155 ED cutting line, Year of manufacture: 1998 - Polar 155 ED with extended table. (Max size behind knife 200 cm) - Polar charger (left), type: 3BL185-6 - Polar stacker ( right ), type TR160ER-6
Polar 155 ED cutting line,

Year of manufacture: 1998
- Polar 155 ED with extended table. (Max size behind knife 200 cm)
- Polar charger (left), type: 3BL185-6
- Polar stacker ( right ), type TR160ER-6

Polar 78 XT guillotine Chrome table Touch screen Spare knife Knife change tools in good wokring condition
Polar 78 XT guillotine

Chrome table
Touch screen
Spare knife
Knife change tools
in good wokring condition

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