What is 123Machinery.com ?
123Machinery.com is a platform for used and new machinery. Our platform currently supports 8 languages and is technologically up to date. Our goal is to bring together buyers and sellers of used and new machinery. Try us 6 months for free (without automatic renewal or hidden costs).
Does the membership cost money ?
We offer 3 bundles, with different services at different prices. The bundles will be displayed in detail with the corresponding services at the first step of the registration process. You can use each bundle for 6 months free of charge (without automatic renewal or hidden costs).
Do I have to pay commission when I sell a machine ?
With the fee of your selected bundle all costs are covered and you don`t have to pay anything else.
How do I contact the seller ?
You can contact a seller using the following buttons "Send WhatsApp message", "Send request", "Request price", "Request callback", "Request more information" and "Propose counteroffer". When you click on one of these buttons, a form will open, which you can fill in and send afterwards. Your respective request will be automatically sent to the seller by e-mail. Furthermore you have the possibility to contact the seller by phone. The phone number is displayed in the detail view of an advert and in the dealer profile.
I have discovered an unlawful advert. What can I do ?
In these cases, please contact us immediately or use the button "Report advert" (will be displayed at every detail view, in every advert)
Why are the images of each advert watermarked ?
To prevent data theft, a watermark is automatically added to each advert. This makes these images uninteresting for third parties.
How can I send a request to all dealers ?
To do this, click in the navigation on the "Menu" and then on "Post request". A form will open which you can fill out and send. Your request will be sent to all sellers of the respective category by e-mail.
How long are adverts published ?
Each advert is published for a maximum of 180 days. However, after the expiration of an advert, the provider has the possibility to extend it. The extension period in these cases is another 180 days.
Are adverts automatically displayed in any language and are the contents automatically translated ?
Each advert is automatically available in any language after publication. Thereby the "Machine designation" and the "Description" will be automatically translated into any available language. A small margin of error cannot be excluded during translation.
Do I have to enter the adverts manually or are there automatisms ?
Our portal offers customers a data import that you can use to automatically create or update adverts (at least bundle PROFESSIONAL). Customers who rent the MAT software can automatically export all adverts to our portal via the software.
Are there any web services I can use to retrieve advert data ?
Our portal offers customers web services to retrieve advert data (at least bundle PROFESSIONAL). The purpose of these web services is to give each client the possibility to display their adverts from our portal on their own website. Every customer who rents the MAT software receives a professional website that automatically displays all adverts.
How does the "More filters" work ?
The "More filters" automatically prepares found attributes and associated values. If you select several values, they will be OR-linked. This means that when filtering, you will be shown all adverts that contain your selected values (for the respective attributes).