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Ryobi 522 HE Year 2006 Ryobimatic Dampening Technotrans Alpha D. Cooling Device Double Sheet Control SAPC Semi-Automatic Plate Change Automatic Blanket Washing Device Automatic Ink Roller Washing Device Impressions: ca. 35 Mio. (53 million revolutions)
Ryobi 522 HE
Year 2006

Ryobimatic Dampening
Technotrans Alpha D. Cooling Device
Double Sheet Control
SAPC Semi-Automatic Plate Change
Automatic Blanket Washing Device
Automatic Ink Roller Washing Device
Impressions: ca. 35 Mio. (53 million revolutions)


Prestotype bv
Schellingweg 9
 1507DR Zaandam
Member since 31.07.2024