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Plastic processing machinesInjection molding machinesPlastic injection molding machines
In working conditions Working hours: 12.022 Clamping force: 3000 kN Opening stroke: 405 mm. Ejector stroke: 105 mm. Ejector force: 20,1 kN Pump drive power: 37 kW Screw diameter: 60 mm. Max. swept volume: 735 mc3 Screw speed max.: 226 r/min Injection rate: 351 cm3/s Injection rate increased: 283 cm3/s Injection pressure: 1481 bar. Spec. injection pressure increased: 1835 bar Nozzle stroke: 500 mm. Nozzle cont. pressure: 110 kN
In working conditions
Working hours: 12.022

Clamping force: 3000 kN
Opening stroke: 405 mm.
Ejector stroke: 105 mm.
Ejector force: 20,1 kN

Pump drive power: 37 kW
Screw diameter: 60 mm.
Max. swept volume: 735 mc3
Screw speed max.: 226 r/min
Injection rate: 351 cm3/s
Injection rate increased: 283 cm3/s
Injection pressure: 1481 bar.
Spec. injection pressure increased: 1835 bar
Nozzle stroke: 500 mm.
Nozzle cont. pressure: 110 kN

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