Milling machinesHobbing machines
Zahnrad Abwälzfräsmaschine LIEBHERR / LORENZ S800-Funktionsvideo au Anfrage-Max. Werkstück mit Gegenhalter 600mm-Max. Werkstück mit zurückgezogenem Gegenhalter 800mm-Max. Weg des Frässchlittens 360mm-Grösste fräsbare Teilung bei grösstem Werkstück 5Pi im normalen Leistungsbereich 8Pi-Aufnahmekegel / Frässpindel MK5-Fräsdorn 22/27/32/40mm-Max. Fräserdurchmesser 186mm-Max. Fräserlänge 170mm-Max. Fräserverschiebung 80mm-Fräserdrehzahlen 40-220 U/min-Vorschübe stufenlos regelbar / Vertikal-Vorschübe stufenlos regelbar / Horizontal-Vorschübe stufenlos regelbar /Tangential-Aufspanntisch ohne wasserrand 550mm-Aufspanntischbohrung 100mm-Aufspannkegeldorn MK 5-Aufspanndorn 36mmZUBEHÖR:-1xPalette Wechselräder-1xPalette Abwälzfräser-1xPalette Aufspanndorne-Dokumentation / MaschinenfüßeAbmaße:LxBxH 3,6x1,8x1,9 Meter / Gewicht 5500KgWon93G8C
Zahnrad Abwälzfräsmaschine LIEBHERR / LORENZ S800
-Funktionsvideo au Anfrage
-Max. Werkstück mit Gegenhalter 600mm
-Max. Werkstück mit zurückgezogenem Gegenhalter 800mm
-Max. Weg des Frässchlittens 360mm
-Grösste fräsbare Teilung bei grösstem Werkstück 5Pi im normalen Leistungsbereich 8Pi
-Aufnahmekegel / Frässpindel MK5
-Fräsdorn 22/27/32/40mm
-Max. Fräserdurchmesser 186mm
-Max. Fräserlänge 170mm
-Max. Fräserverschiebung 80mm
-Fräserdrehzahlen 40-220 U/min
-Vorschübe stufenlos regelbar / Vertikal
-Vorschübe stufenlos regelbar / Horizontal
-Vorschübe stufenlos regelbar /Tangential
-Aufspanntisch ohne wasserrand 550mm
-Aufspanntischbohrung 100mm
-Aufspannkegeldorn MK 5
-Aufspanndorn 36mm
-1xPalette Wechselräder
-1xPalette Abwälzfräser
-1xPalette Aufspanndorne
-Dokumentation / Maschinenfüße
LxBxH 3,6x1,8x1,9 Meter / Gewicht 5500Kg
-Funktionsvideo au Anfrage
-Max. Werkstück mit Gegenhalter 600mm
-Max. Werkstück mit zurückgezogenem Gegenhalter 800mm
-Max. Weg des Frässchlittens 360mm
-Grösste fräsbare Teilung bei grösstem Werkstück 5Pi im normalen Leistungsbereich 8Pi
-Aufnahmekegel / Frässpindel MK5
-Fräsdorn 22/27/32/40mm
-Max. Fräserdurchmesser 186mm
-Max. Fräserlänge 170mm
-Max. Fräserverschiebung 80mm
-Fräserdrehzahlen 40-220 U/min
-Vorschübe stufenlos regelbar / Vertikal
-Vorschübe stufenlos regelbar / Horizontal
-Vorschübe stufenlos regelbar /Tangential
-Aufspanntisch ohne wasserrand 550mm
-Aufspanntischbohrung 100mm
-Aufspannkegeldorn MK 5
-Aufspanndorn 36mm
-1xPalette Wechselräder
-1xPalette Abwälzfräser
-1xPalette Aufspanndorne
-Dokumentation / Maschinenfüße
LxBxH 3,6x1,8x1,9 Meter / Gewicht 5500Kg
LathesCenter lathes and spindle lathes
WEILER COMMODOR 230 AC / CE-Kennung / 3-Achsdigital-Spitzenhöhe 230mm-Spitzenweite 1000mm-Stangendurchlass 56mm-Drehdurchmesser über Bett 475mm-Umlaufdurchmesser über Planschieber 270mm-Drehzahlbereich 25-2000 U/min (stufenlos über Poti)-Automatische Längs / Planvorschübe-Gewinde / Metrisch / Zoll / Pitch-Reitstock MK 4-Schnellwechselhalter mit Einsatz-Kühlmitteleinrichtung-Spänerückwand-Futterschutz elektrisch-Dreibackenfutter 200mm-2x Not / Aus-DokumentationCdlgflglAbmaße:LxBxH 2,6x1,5x1,7Meter / Gewicht 1800 Kg
WEILER COMMODOR 230 AC / CE-Kennung / 3-Achsdigital
-Spitzenhöhe 230mm
-Spitzenweite 1000mm
-Stangendurchlass 56mm
-Drehdurchmesser über Bett 475mm
-Umlaufdurchmesser über Planschieber 270mm
-Drehzahlbereich 25-2000 U/min (stufenlos über Poti)
-Automatische Längs / Planvorschübe
-Gewinde / Metrisch / Zoll / Pitch
-Reitstock MK 4
-Schnellwechselhalter mit Einsatz
-Futterschutz elektrisch
-Dreibackenfutter 200mm
-2x Not / Aus
LxBxH 2,6x1,5x1,7Meter / Gewicht 1800 Kg
-Spitzenhöhe 230mm
-Spitzenweite 1000mm
-Stangendurchlass 56mm
-Drehdurchmesser über Bett 475mm
-Umlaufdurchmesser über Planschieber 270mm
-Drehzahlbereich 25-2000 U/min (stufenlos über Poti)
-Automatische Längs / Planvorschübe
-Gewinde / Metrisch / Zoll / Pitch
-Reitstock MK 4
-Schnellwechselhalter mit Einsatz
-Futterschutz elektrisch
-Dreibackenfutter 200mm
-2x Not / Aus
LxBxH 2,6x1,5x1,7Meter / Gewicht 1800 Kg
FASTI - Motorische Dreiwalzenrundbiegemaschine Typ 2040x2mm-GS / Kennung-Walzendurchmesser ca. 105mm-Max. Blechdicke über die gesamte Länge 2mm-Fußschalter-SicherheitseinrichtungAbmaße:LxBxH 3x1x1,3 Meter / Gewicht 1350KgBohrlfxfu80
FASTI - Motorische Dreiwalzenrundbiegemaschine Typ 2040x2mm
-GS / Kennung
-Walzendurchmesser ca. 105mm
-Max. Blechdicke über die gesamte Länge 2mm
LxBxH 3x1x1,3 Meter / Gewicht 1350Kg
-GS / Kennung
-Walzendurchmesser ca. 105mm
-Max. Blechdicke über die gesamte Länge 2mm
LxBxH 3x1x1,3 Meter / Gewicht 1350Kg
LathesCNC turning and milling centers
TRAUB TNS 65 D / 5 - Achs CNC Drehmaschine-KOMPLETTE TECHNISCHE DATEN siehe "Datenblätter"-Steuerung TX8 D-Baujahr 1994-C - Achse-Stangendurchlass 65mm-Hydraulischer Stangenlademagazin-Diverse angetriebene Werkzeuge-Werkzeughalter-Dreibackenfutter-DokumentationBitivuxdo0
TRAUB TNS 65 D / 5 - Achs CNC Drehmaschine
-Steuerung TX8 D
-Baujahr 1994
-C - Achse
-Stangendurchlass 65mm
-Hydraulischer Stangenlademagazin
-Diverse angetriebene Werkzeuge
-Steuerung TX8 D
-Baujahr 1994
-C - Achse
-Stangendurchlass 65mm
-Hydraulischer Stangenlademagazin
-Diverse angetriebene Werkzeuge
Gleitschleifanlage / KROMAS VM 200 ED<br /><br />-Volumen 200Liter<br />Dpers7<br />-Steuerung - An / Aus - Timer - Drehzahl<br />-Max. Beladung 800Kg<br />-Drehzahl 1500 U/min<br />-Schmutzwasserentleerung<br />-Beschichtung in Ordnung<br /><br /><br />Abmaße:<br />LxBxH 1,1x1,2x1,4 Meter / Gewicht 500Kg
Gleitschleifanlage / KROMAS VM 200 ED<br /><br />-Volumen 200Liter<br />Dpers7<br />-Steuerung - An / Aus - Timer - Drehzahl<br />-Max. Beladung 800Kg<br />-Drehzahl 1500 U/min<br />-Schmutzwasserentleerung<br />-Beschichtung in Ordnung<br /><br /><br />Abmaße:<br />LxBxH 1,1x1,2x1,4 Meter / Gewicht 500Kg
Drilling machines and boring millsPillar drilling machines
GILLARDON GB 20 - Säulenbohrmaschine<br /><br />Dpfv3P<br />-Stufenlose Drehzahlregulierung<br />-Bohrleistung in Stahl ca.30mm<br />-Ausladung 285mm<br />-Bohrhub 150mm<br />-Tischaufspannfläche 400x400mm<br />-Tischhöhenverstellung ca. 650mm<br />-Bohrtiefenanschlag<br />-Drehzahlanzeige<br />-Not-Aus<br />-Arbeitslicht<br />-Fußschalter<br /><br />Abmaße:<br />LxBxH 0,7x0,5x1.85 Meter / Gewicht ca. 650Kg
GILLARDON GB 20 - Säulenbohrmaschine<br /><br />Dpfv3P<br />-Stufenlose Drehzahlregulierung<br />-Bohrleistung in Stahl ca.30mm<br />-Ausladung 285mm<br />-Bohrhub 150mm<br />-Tischaufspannfläche 400x400mm<br />-Tischhöhenverstellung ca. 650mm<br />-Bohrtiefenanschlag<br />-Drehzahlanzeige<br />-Not-Aus<br />-Arbeitslicht<br />-Fußschalter<br /><br />Abmaße:<br />LxBxH 0,7x0,5x1.85 Meter / Gewicht ca. 650Kg
Sanding machinesCylindrical grinding machines
DELTA LC 400 - Rundtischflachschleifmaschine<br /><br />-Schleifdurchmesser 400mm<br />B0Okfavpsm<br />-Schleifhöhe ca. 220mm<br />-Drehzahlbereich 2850U/min<br />-Schleifscheibenabmessung 200x80mm(Korund)<br />-Höhenverstellung über Handrad<br />-Feinzustellung über Handrad<br />-Antriebsleistung ca. 3KW<br />-Kühlmitteleinrichtung<br />-Maschinenumhausung<br />-Dokumentation<br /><br />Abmaße:<br />LxBxH 1,1x0,8x1,8Meter /Gewicht 750Kg
DELTA LC 400 - Rundtischflachschleifmaschine<br /><br />-Schleifdurchmesser 400mm<br />B0Okfavpsm<br />-Schleifhöhe ca. 220mm<br />-Drehzahlbereich 2850U/min<br />-Schleifscheibenabmessung 200x80mm(Korund)<br />-Höhenverstellung über Handrad<br />-Feinzustellung über Handrad<br />-Antriebsleistung ca. 3KW<br />-Kühlmitteleinrichtung<br />-Maschinenumhausung<br />-Dokumentation<br /><br />Abmaße:<br />LxBxH 1,1x0,8x1,8Meter /Gewicht 750Kg
Sanding machinesCylindrical grinding machines
DELTA LC 500 - Rundtischflachschleifmaschine<br /><br />-Baujahr 1999<br />-Schleifdurchmesser-Rundtisch 500mm<br />-Schleifhöhe ca. 220mm<br />-Höhenverstellung über Handrad<br />-Feinzustellung<br />-Kühlmitteleinrichtung<br />-Spindeldrehzahl ca. 2850 U/min<br />-Scheifscheibe 200x80mm<br />-Antriebsleistung 3 Kw<br />-Maschinenumhausung / Spritzschutz<br />-Dokumentation<br /><br /><br />Abmaße:<br />LxBxH 1,2x1x1,8Meter / Gewicht 850Kg<br /><br /><br />B0Zkgjseiq
DELTA LC 500 - Rundtischflachschleifmaschine<br /><br />-Baujahr 1999<br />-Schleifdurchmesser-Rundtisch 500mm<br />-Schleifhöhe ca. 220mm<br />-Höhenverstellung über Handrad<br />-Feinzustellung<br />-Kühlmitteleinrichtung<br />-Spindeldrehzahl ca. 2850 U/min<br />-Scheifscheibe 200x80mm<br />-Antriebsleistung 3 Kw<br />-Maschinenumhausung / Spritzschutz<br />-Dokumentation<br /><br /><br />Abmaße:<br />LxBxH 1,2x1x1,8Meter / Gewicht 850Kg<br /><br /><br />B0Zkgjseiq
Sheet metal working machines
pressing capacity: 300 to
Stroke: 500 mm
Table: 3.000 x 2.050 mm
Daylight: 700 mm
Rapid speed: 20 mm/s
Working speed: 2 mm/s
Cylinder fix or moveable: horizontal moveable
Distance between columns: 2050 mm
Horizontal movable cylinder: 1300 mm
Hydraulicaly movable stand: 2000 mm
Length: 3100 mm
Width: 3000 mm
Height: 2600 mm
Weight: 11500 kg
pressing capacity: 300 to
Stroke: 500 mm
Table: 3.000 x 2.050 mm
Daylight: 700 mm
Rapid speed: 20 mm/s
Working speed: 2 mm/s
Cylinder fix or moveable: horizontal moveable
Distance between columns: 2050 mm
Horizontal movable cylinder: 1300 mm
Hydraulicaly movable stand: 2000 mm
Length: 3100 mm
Width: 3000 mm
Height: 2600 mm
Weight: 11500 kg
Stroke: 500 mm
Table: 3.000 x 2.050 mm
Daylight: 700 mm
Rapid speed: 20 mm/s
Working speed: 2 mm/s
Cylinder fix or moveable: horizontal moveable
Distance between columns: 2050 mm
Horizontal movable cylinder: 1300 mm
Hydraulicaly movable stand: 2000 mm
Length: 3100 mm
Width: 3000 mm
Height: 2600 mm
Weight: 11500 kg
Meat processing
Bulldog B60 Bowl cutter, Serial: 3052, 2023, Stainless bowl cutter, 60Kg capacity, three blade assembly, variable speed, safety guards, with manual, 3Ph
Bulldog B60 Bowl cutter, Serial: 3052, 2023, Stainless bowl cutter, 60Kg capacity, three blade assembly, variable speed, safety guards, with manual, 3Ph
Mixing machinery
Metos Proveno CoolPro 80E combi kettle, Stainless, 80L, combi kettle, jacketed, 20.75Kw, temp range from 0'C to 120'C, with variable speed agitation, adjustable timer and temperature settings and more, with manual, 3Ph
Metos Proveno CoolPro 80E combi kettle, Stainless, 80L, combi kettle, jacketed, 20.75Kw, temp range from 0'C to 120'C, with variable speed agitation, adjustable timer and temperature settings and more, with manual, 3Ph
Mixing machinery
Metos Viking Basic 60E combi kettle, Stainless, 60L, combi kettle, jacketed, separated lid, adjustable temp control up to 120'C, ideal for sauces, soups and other products, 10.5Kw, 3Ph
Metos Viking Basic 60E combi kettle, Stainless, 60L, combi kettle, jacketed, separated lid, adjustable temp control up to 120'C, ideal for sauces, soups and other products, 10.5Kw, 3Ph
Mixing machinery
Groen DH/1-40 Boiling pan kettle, Serial: 77863, Stainless tipping kettle, jacketed, Natural gas, Heat input 24.5Kw, with lid, 1Ph
Groen DH/1-40 Boiling pan kettle, Serial: 77863, Stainless tipping kettle, jacketed, Natural gas, Heat input 24.5Kw, with lid, 1Ph
Bakery-, pastry equipmentCutting machines
Polin Multidrop Junior pro-fast depositor Serial: 1303112 2013, The Polin Multidrop® Junior is an automatic depositor, dosing machine and wire cut machine. for processing firm biscuit doughs and soft batters with or without inclusions. 100 program presets, and a wire-cut attachment makes it possible to produce a wide range of butter cookies, sugar cookies, hard biscuits, eclairs, cream puffs, cupcakes, muffins, sponge cakes and more. comes with a new motor, some spares and the manual, 3Ph
Polin Multidrop Junior pro-fast depositor Serial: 1303112 2013, The Polin Multidrop® Junior is an automatic depositor, dosing machine and wire cut machine. for processing firm biscuit doughs and soft batters with or without inclusions. 100 program presets, and a wire-cut attachment makes it possible to produce a wide range of butter cookies, sugar cookies, hard biscuits, eclairs, cream puffs, cupcakes, muffins, sponge cakes and more. comes with a new motor, some spares and the manual, 3Ph
Sheet metal working machinesPlate shears
Cutting length: 3100 mm
Max. thickness - mild steel: 4 mm
Strokes: 42 1/min
Cutting angle: 1 °
Motor power: 7 kW
Support arms: 2 pcs.
Table height: 800 mm
Table width: 450 mm
Length: 3700 mm
Width: 2300 mm
Height: 1350 mm
Weight: 3730 kg
Cutting length: 3100 mm
Max. thickness - mild steel: 4 mm
Strokes: 42 1/min
Cutting angle: 1 °
Motor power: 7 kW
Support arms: 2 pcs.
Table height: 800 mm
Table width: 450 mm
Length: 3700 mm
Width: 2300 mm
Height: 1350 mm
Weight: 3730 kg
Max. thickness - mild steel: 4 mm
Strokes: 42 1/min
Cutting angle: 1 °
Motor power: 7 kW
Support arms: 2 pcs.
Table height: 800 mm
Table width: 450 mm
Length: 3700 mm
Width: 2300 mm
Height: 1350 mm
Weight: 3730 kg
Saw frame: Pivot frame
Band dimensions: 3660x27x0,9 mm
Band speed continous: 20-100 m/min
Cutting capacity 0° round: 320 mm
Cutting capacity 0° square: 300 mm
Cutting capacity 0° flat: 320x300 mm
Working height: 640 mm
Hydraulic motor: 0.37 kW
Motor: 2 kW
Coolant pump motor: 0.12 kW
Length: 1900 mm
Width: 850 mm
Height: 1300 mm
Weight: 770 kg
Saw frame: Pivot frame
Band dimensions: 3660x27x0,9 mm
Band speed continous: 20-100 m/min
Cutting capacity 0° round: 320 mm
Cutting capacity 0° square: 300 mm
Cutting capacity 0° flat: 320x300 mm
Working height: 640 mm
Hydraulic motor: 0.37 kW
Motor: 2 kW
Coolant pump motor: 0.12 kW
Length: 1900 mm
Width: 850 mm
Height: 1300 mm
Weight: 770 kg
Band dimensions: 3660x27x0,9 mm
Band speed continous: 20-100 m/min
Cutting capacity 0° round: 320 mm
Cutting capacity 0° square: 300 mm
Cutting capacity 0° flat: 320x300 mm
Working height: 640 mm
Hydraulic motor: 0.37 kW
Motor: 2 kW
Coolant pump motor: 0.12 kW
Length: 1900 mm
Width: 850 mm
Height: 1300 mm
Weight: 770 kg
Sheet metal working machinesFeed straighteners
Min. coil inner diameter: 400 mm
Max. Coil inner diameter: 700
Max. coil width: 1500 mm
Length: 2050 mm
Width: 820 mm
Height: 1000 mm
Min. coil inner diameter: 400 mm
Max. Coil inner diameter: 700
Max. coil width: 1500 mm
Length: 2050 mm
Width: 820 mm
Height: 1000 mm
Max. Coil inner diameter: 700
Max. coil width: 1500 mm
Length: 2050 mm
Width: 820 mm
Height: 1000 mm
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 2550 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 15
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 15 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=3x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 12 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 12 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Upper roll diameter: 270 mm
Lower roll diameter: 270 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 230 mm
Max. opening: 50 mm
Working height: 1155 mm
Motor power: 15 kW
Length: 4760 mm
Width: 1660 mm
Height: 1155 mm
Weight: 8950 kg
Bending length: 2550 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 15
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 15 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=3x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 12 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 12 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Upper roll diameter: 270 mm
Lower roll diameter: 270 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 230 mm
Max. opening: 50 mm
Working height: 1155 mm
Motor power: 15 kW
Length: 4760 mm
Width: 1660 mm
Height: 1155 mm
Weight: 8950 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 15
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 15 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=3x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 12 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 12 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Upper roll diameter: 270 mm
Lower roll diameter: 270 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 230 mm
Max. opening: 50 mm
Working height: 1155 mm
Motor power: 15 kW
Length: 4760 mm
Width: 1660 mm
Height: 1155 mm
Weight: 8950 kg
Injection molding machines
Ref. no.: 17148
Hersteller: ENGEL
Year of construction: 2008
Clamping unit
Clamping force: 400 ton
Opening width: 1008 mm
Platen size (h x v): 1300 x 1460 mm
Injection unit
Screw diameter: 50 + 18 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 mm
Injection volume: 422 + 38 + 54 + 54 + 54 +54 cm³
Shot weight: 380 + 35 + 48 +48 + 48 + 48 g
Injection pressure: 2322 + 2500 + 1200 + 1200 + 1200 + 1200 bar
Measurements and weight
Machine weight: 22000 + 6600 kg
Dimensions LxWxH part 1: 5 x 2,3 x m
Dimensions LxWxH part 2: 3,9 x 2,3 x m
Ref. no.: 17148
Hersteller: ENGEL
Year of construction: 2008
Clamping unit
Clamping force: 400 ton
Opening width: 1008 mm
Platen size (h x v): 1300 x 1460 mm
Injection unit
Screw diameter: 50 + 18 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 mm
Injection volume: 422 + 38 + 54 + 54 + 54 +54 cm³
Shot weight: 380 + 35 + 48 +48 + 48 + 48 g
Injection pressure: 2322 + 2500 + 1200 + 1200 + 1200 + 1200 bar
Measurements and weight
Machine weight: 22000 + 6600 kg
Dimensions LxWxH part 1: 5 x 2,3 x m
Dimensions LxWxH part 2: 3,9 x 2,3 x m
Hersteller: ENGEL
Year of construction: 2008
Clamping unit
Clamping force: 400 ton
Opening width: 1008 mm
Platen size (h x v): 1300 x 1460 mm
Injection unit
Screw diameter: 50 + 18 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 mm
Injection volume: 422 + 38 + 54 + 54 + 54 +54 cm³
Shot weight: 380 + 35 + 48 +48 + 48 + 48 g
Injection pressure: 2322 + 2500 + 1200 + 1200 + 1200 + 1200 bar
Measurements and weight
Machine weight: 22000 + 6600 kg
Dimensions LxWxH part 1: 5 x 2,3 x m
Dimensions LxWxH part 2: 3,9 x 2,3 x m
Injection molding machines
Ref. no.: 17146
Hersteller: ENGEL
Year of construction: 2004
Clamping unit
Clamping force: 300 ton
Opening stroke: 855 mm
Injection unit
Screw diameter: 50 + 25 mm
Injection volume: 393 + 49 cm³
Shot weight: 354 + 44 g
Injection pressure: 1917 + 1586 bar
Measurements and weight
Dimensions: 6,5 x 2,3 x m
Machine weight: 21000 kg
Ref. no.: 17146
Hersteller: ENGEL
Year of construction: 2004
Clamping unit
Clamping force: 300 ton
Opening stroke: 855 mm
Injection unit
Screw diameter: 50 + 25 mm
Injection volume: 393 + 49 cm³
Shot weight: 354 + 44 g
Injection pressure: 1917 + 1586 bar
Measurements and weight
Dimensions: 6,5 x 2,3 x m
Machine weight: 21000 kg
Hersteller: ENGEL
Year of construction: 2004
Clamping unit
Clamping force: 300 ton
Opening stroke: 855 mm
Injection unit
Screw diameter: 50 + 25 mm
Injection volume: 393 + 49 cm³
Shot weight: 354 + 44 g
Injection pressure: 1917 + 1586 bar
Measurements and weight
Dimensions: 6,5 x 2,3 x m
Machine weight: 21000 kg
Cooling technology
Linde Cryoline MT1250 Freezing tunnel, Serial: 5-199, 2016, Linde CRYOLINE MT 1250 Cryogen/Nitrogen Tunnel Freezer, a top-of-the-line freezing solution for your industrial needs. This machine boasts a cooling capacity of 100 kW/29.41 tons, ensuring efficient and rapid freezing of your products. The fully stainless steel construction, including a fine stainless steel mesh belt, guarantees durability and hygiene compliance. With a net belt width of 1250 mm and a freezing belt length of 4000 mm, this freezer can accommodate a wide range of products with a maximum height of 100 mm. Equipped with 6 internal high-speed fans that are adjustable, you have full control over the freezing process. The holding time can be set between 0.5 and 20 minutes, providing flexibility based on your specific requirements. The stainless steel switch-board cabinet features a Siemens PLC and HMI Simatic touchscreen for easy operation and monitoring. This Cryoline MT 1250 Cooling Tunnel, manufactured in 2016, o
Linde Cryoline MT1250 Freezing tunnel, Serial: 5-199, 2016, Linde CRYOLINE MT 1250 Cryogen/Nitrogen Tunnel Freezer, a top-of-the-line freezing solution for your industrial needs. This machine boasts a cooling capacity of 100 kW/29.41 tons, ensuring efficient and rapid freezing of your products. The fully stainless steel construction, including a fine stainless steel mesh belt, guarantees durability and hygiene compliance. With a net belt width of 1250 mm and a freezing belt length of 4000 mm, this freezer can accommodate a wide range of products with a maximum height of 100 mm. Equipped with 6 internal high-speed fans that are adjustable, you have full control over the freezing process. The holding time can be set between 0.5 and 20 minutes, providing flexibility based on your specific requirements. The stainless steel switch-board cabinet features a Siemens PLC and HMI Simatic touchscreen for easy operation and monitoring. This Cryoline MT 1250 Cooling Tunnel, manufactured in 2016, o
Meat processing
GEA DICAR-B Carbonation system, 2015, Carbonation system ideal for beer and alcoholic drinks, up to 7000L per hour, siemens touch screen HMI controls, comes with two Anton Paar Carbo 510 smart sensors, with manuals and drawings,
GEA DICAR-B Carbonation system, 2015, Carbonation system ideal for beer and alcoholic drinks, up to 7000L per hour, siemens touch screen HMI controls, comes with two Anton Paar Carbo 510 smart sensors, with manuals and drawings,
Injection molding machinesPlastic injection molding machines
Ref. no.: 18333
Hersteller: DEMAG
Year of construction: 1998
Clamping unit
Clamping force: 330 ton
Opening stroke: 675 mm
Distance between tie bars: 710 x 630 mm
Mould height min.: 330 mm
Mould height max.: 710 mm
Platen size (h x v): 1040 X 950 mm
Injection unit
Screw diameter: 50 mm
Injection volume: 530 cm³
Shot weight: 480 g
Injection pressure: 2426 bar
Measurements and weight
Dimensions: 6,5 X 2,0 X 2,3 m
Machine weight: 14300 kg
Ref. no.: 18333
Hersteller: DEMAG
Year of construction: 1998
Clamping unit
Clamping force: 330 ton
Opening stroke: 675 mm
Distance between tie bars: 710 x 630 mm
Mould height min.: 330 mm
Mould height max.: 710 mm
Platen size (h x v): 1040 X 950 mm
Injection unit
Screw diameter: 50 mm
Injection volume: 530 cm³
Shot weight: 480 g
Injection pressure: 2426 bar
Measurements and weight
Dimensions: 6,5 X 2,0 X 2,3 m
Machine weight: 14300 kg
Hersteller: DEMAG
Year of construction: 1998
Clamping unit
Clamping force: 330 ton
Opening stroke: 675 mm
Distance between tie bars: 710 x 630 mm
Mould height min.: 330 mm
Mould height max.: 710 mm
Platen size (h x v): 1040 X 950 mm
Injection unit
Screw diameter: 50 mm
Injection volume: 530 cm³
Shot weight: 480 g
Injection pressure: 2426 bar
Measurements and weight
Dimensions: 6,5 X 2,0 X 2,3 m
Machine weight: 14300 kg
Injection molding machinesPlastic injection molding machines
Ref. no.: 18331
Hersteller: ARBURG
Year of construction: 2001
Clamping unit
Clamping force: 50 ton
Opening stroke: 350 mm
Distance between tie bars: 320 x 320 mm
Mould height min.: 225 mm
Opening width: 575 mm
Platen size (h x v): 446 x446 mm
Injection unit
Screw diameter: 25 mm
Injection volume: 54 cm³
Shot weight: 49 g
Injection pressure: 2500 bar
Measurements and weight
Dimensions: 3,5 x 12 x 1,9 m
Machine weight: 2250 kg
Ref. no.: 18331
Hersteller: ARBURG
Year of construction: 2001
Clamping unit
Clamping force: 50 ton
Opening stroke: 350 mm
Distance between tie bars: 320 x 320 mm
Mould height min.: 225 mm
Opening width: 575 mm
Platen size (h x v): 446 x446 mm
Injection unit
Screw diameter: 25 mm
Injection volume: 54 cm³
Shot weight: 49 g
Injection pressure: 2500 bar
Measurements and weight
Dimensions: 3,5 x 12 x 1,9 m
Machine weight: 2250 kg
Hersteller: ARBURG
Year of construction: 2001
Clamping unit
Clamping force: 50 ton
Opening stroke: 350 mm
Distance between tie bars: 320 x 320 mm
Mould height min.: 225 mm
Opening width: 575 mm
Platen size (h x v): 446 x446 mm
Injection unit
Screw diameter: 25 mm
Injection volume: 54 cm³
Shot weight: 49 g
Injection pressure: 2500 bar
Measurements and weight
Dimensions: 3,5 x 12 x 1,9 m
Machine weight: 2250 kg
Injection molding machinesPlastic injection molding machines
Ref. no.: 18330
Hersteller: ARBURG
Year of construction: 2003
Clamping unit
Clamping force: 50 ton
Opening stroke: 350 mm
Distance between tie bars: 320 X 320 mm
Mould height min.: 225 mm
Mould height max.: 575 mm
Platen size (h x v): 446 X 446 mm
Injection unit
Screw diameter: 25 + 15 mm
Injection volume: 39 + 20 cm³
Shot weight: 35 + 18 g
Injection pressure: 2210 bar
Measurements and weight
Dimensions: 3,5 X 1,2 x 1,9 m
Machine weight: 2250 kg
Ref. no.: 18330
Hersteller: ARBURG
Year of construction: 2003
Clamping unit
Clamping force: 50 ton
Opening stroke: 350 mm
Distance between tie bars: 320 X 320 mm
Mould height min.: 225 mm
Mould height max.: 575 mm
Platen size (h x v): 446 X 446 mm
Injection unit
Screw diameter: 25 + 15 mm
Injection volume: 39 + 20 cm³
Shot weight: 35 + 18 g
Injection pressure: 2210 bar
Measurements and weight
Dimensions: 3,5 X 1,2 x 1,9 m
Machine weight: 2250 kg
Hersteller: ARBURG
Year of construction: 2003
Clamping unit
Clamping force: 50 ton
Opening stroke: 350 mm
Distance between tie bars: 320 X 320 mm
Mould height min.: 225 mm
Mould height max.: 575 mm
Platen size (h x v): 446 X 446 mm
Injection unit
Screw diameter: 25 + 15 mm
Injection volume: 39 + 20 cm³
Shot weight: 35 + 18 g
Injection pressure: 2210 bar
Measurements and weight
Dimensions: 3,5 X 1,2 x 1,9 m
Machine weight: 2250 kg
Accessories and spare partsOther
X: 160 mm
Z: 340 mm
Max. tool weight: 20
Tool holder: SK 50
Air pressure: 6
Total power: 0,2 kW
Weight of machine: 160 kg
Space requirement (W x D x H): 0,8 x 1,2 x 1,0 m
Condition: very good
4-6 bar, with PC, monitor and label printer, software: Multivision MVIS II
Accessory: Documentation, label printer
X: 160 mm
Z: 340 mm
Max. tool weight: 20
Tool holder: SK 50
Air pressure: 6
Total power: 0,2 kW
Weight of machine: 160 kg
Space requirement (W x D x H): 0,8 x 1,2 x 1,0 m
Condition: very good
4-6 bar, with PC, monitor and label printer, software: Multivision MVIS II
Accessory: Documentation, label printer
Z: 340 mm
Max. tool weight: 20
Tool holder: SK 50
Air pressure: 6
Total power: 0,2 kW
Weight of machine: 160 kg
Space requirement (W x D x H): 0,8 x 1,2 x 1,0 m
Condition: very good
4-6 bar, with PC, monitor and label printer, software: Multivision MVIS II
Accessory: Documentation, label printer
The Vutek GS3250 LX UV Printer (Year 2015)
The Vutek GS3250 LX UV Printer, manufactured in 2015, is a versatile and robust printing solution designed to meet the demanding needs of modern printing businesses. This high-performance printer is renowned for its exceptional print quality, speed, and versatility, making it an ideal choice for various printing applications.
Key Features:
Advanced UV LED Technology
Energy Efficient: Utilizes UV LED curing technology, significantly reducing energy consumption compared to traditional UV curing methods.
Eco-Friendly: Produces less heat and eliminates VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), ensuring a safer and more environmentally friendly printing process.
Superior Print Quality
High Resolution: Capable of delivering stunning print resolutions up to 1000 dpi, ensuring sharp, vibrant, and detailed images.
Wide Color Gamut: Utilizes a wide color gamut with multi-layer white ink printing capability, enhancing the vibrancy and depth of colors.
Media Compatibility: Supports a diverse range of media types, including rigid substrates up to 2 inches thick and flexible materials, making it suitable for various applications such as signage, banners, posters, and displays.
Large Format: Boasts a generous maximum print width of 126.5 inches (3.2 meters), allowing for large format prints without compromising on quality.
Efficiency and Productivity
High Speed: Delivers impressive printing speeds up to 2400 square feet per hour, enabling fast turnaround times and increased productivity.
Continuous Printing: Features automated media handling and continuous printing capabilities, minimizing downtime and maximizing workflow efficiency.
User-Friendly Operation
Intuitive Interface: Equipped with a user-friendly interface and advanced software, making it easy to operate and manage print jobs.
Remote Monitoring: Offers remote monitoring capabilities, allowing operators to oversee the printing process and troubleshoot issues from a distance.
Print Technology: UV LED Curing
Maximum Print Width: 126.5 inches (3.2 meters)
Print Resolution: Up to 1000 dpi
Print Speed: Up to 2400 sq ft/hour
Media Thickness: Up to 2 inches
Year of Manufacture: 2015
The Vutek GS3250 LX UV Printer is a powerful addition to any printing operation, combining cutting-edge technology with exceptional performance. Its ability to handle a wide variety of print jobs with precision and efficiency makes it a valuable asset for businesses looking to expand their printing capabilities and deliver high-quality results to their clients.
The Vutek GS3250 LX UV Printer (Year 2015)
The Vutek GS3250 LX UV Printer, manufactured in 2015, is a versatile and robust printing solution designed to meet the demanding needs of modern printing businesses. This high-performance printer is renowned for its exceptional print quality, speed, and versatility, making it an ideal choice for various printing applications.
Key Features:
Advanced UV LED Technology
Energy Efficient: Utilizes UV LED curing technology, significantly reducing energy consumption compared to traditional UV curing methods.
Eco-Friendly: Produces less heat and eliminates VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), ensuring a safer and more environmentally friendly printing process.
Superior Print Quality
High Resolution: Capable of delivering stunning print resolutions up to 1000 dpi, ensuring sharp, vibrant, and detailed images.
Wide Color Gamut: Utilizes a wide color gamut with multi-layer white ink printing capability, enhancing the vibrancy and depth of colors.
Media Compatibility: Supports a diverse range of media types, including rigid substrates up to 2 inches thick and flexible materials, making it suitable for various applications such as signage, banners, posters, and displays.
Large Format: Boasts a generous maximum print width of 126.5 inches (3.2 meters), allowing for large format prints without compromising on quality.
Efficiency and Productivity
High Speed: Delivers impressive printing speeds up to 2400 square feet per hour, enabling fast turnaround times and increased productivity.
Continuous Printing: Features automated media handling and continuous printing capabilities, minimizing downtime and maximizing workflow efficiency.
User-Friendly Operation
Intuitive Interface: Equipped with a user-friendly interface and advanced software, making it easy to operate and manage print jobs.
Remote Monitoring: Offers remote monitoring capabilities, allowing operators to oversee the printing process and troubleshoot issues from a distance.
Print Technology: UV LED Curing
Maximum Print Width: 126.5 inches (3.2 meters)
Print Resolution: Up to 1000 dpi
Print Speed: Up to 2400 sq ft/hour
Media Thickness: Up to 2 inches
Year of Manufacture: 2015
The Vutek GS3250 LX UV Printer is a powerful addition to any printing operation, combining cutting-edge technology with exceptional performance. Its ability to handle a wide variety of print jobs with precision and efficiency makes it a valuable asset for businesses looking to expand their printing capabilities and deliver high-quality results to their clients.
The Vutek GS3250 LX UV Printer, manufactured in 2015, is a versatile and robust printing solution designed to meet the demanding needs of modern printing businesses. This high-performance printer is renowned for its exceptional print quality, speed, and versatility, making it an ideal choice for various printing applications.
Key Features:
Advanced UV LED Technology
Energy Efficient: Utilizes UV LED curing technology, significantly reducing energy consumption compared to traditional UV curing methods.
Eco-Friendly: Produces less heat and eliminates VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), ensuring a safer and more environmentally friendly printing process.
Superior Print Quality
High Resolution: Capable of delivering stunning print resolutions up to 1000 dpi, ensuring sharp, vibrant, and detailed images.
Wide Color Gamut: Utilizes a wide color gamut with multi-layer white ink printing capability, enhancing the vibrancy and depth of colors.
Media Compatibility: Supports a diverse range of media types, including rigid substrates up to 2 inches thick and flexible materials, making it suitable for various applications such as signage, banners, posters, and displays.
Large Format: Boasts a generous maximum print width of 126.5 inches (3.2 meters), allowing for large format prints without compromising on quality.
Efficiency and Productivity
High Speed: Delivers impressive printing speeds up to 2400 square feet per hour, enabling fast turnaround times and increased productivity.
Continuous Printing: Features automated media handling and continuous printing capabilities, minimizing downtime and maximizing workflow efficiency.
User-Friendly Operation
Intuitive Interface: Equipped with a user-friendly interface and advanced software, making it easy to operate and manage print jobs.
Remote Monitoring: Offers remote monitoring capabilities, allowing operators to oversee the printing process and troubleshoot issues from a distance.
Print Technology: UV LED Curing
Maximum Print Width: 126.5 inches (3.2 meters)
Print Resolution: Up to 1000 dpi
Print Speed: Up to 2400 sq ft/hour
Media Thickness: Up to 2 inches
Year of Manufacture: 2015
The Vutek GS3250 LX UV Printer is a powerful addition to any printing operation, combining cutting-edge technology with exceptional performance. Its ability to handle a wide variety of print jobs with precision and efficiency makes it a valuable asset for businesses looking to expand their printing capabilities and deliver high-quality results to their clients.
Cutting machines
Technical Specifications:
Cutting Width: 76 cm (760 mm)
Maximum Stack Height: 10 cm (100 mm)
Minimum Trim Width: 2 cm (20 mm)
Cutting Speed: Adjustable for optimal productivity
Drive System: Hydraulic, for powerful and consistent cutting performance
Operation: Manual and semi-automatic, with precise mechanical controls
Safety Features: Equipped with light curtains and emergency stop buttons for operator safety
Display: Digital screen for accurate positioning and setting of cutting parameters
Construction: Solid and stable frame for minimal vibration and maximum cutting accuracy
Technical Specifications:
Cutting Width: 76 cm (760 mm)
Maximum Stack Height: 10 cm (100 mm)
Minimum Trim Width: 2 cm (20 mm)
Cutting Speed: Adjustable for optimal productivity
Drive System: Hydraulic, for powerful and consistent cutting performance
Operation: Manual and semi-automatic, with precise mechanical controls
Safety Features: Equipped with light curtains and emergency stop buttons for operator safety
Display: Digital screen for accurate positioning and setting of cutting parameters
Construction: Solid and stable frame for minimal vibration and maximum cutting accuracy
Cutting Width: 76 cm (760 mm)
Maximum Stack Height: 10 cm (100 mm)
Minimum Trim Width: 2 cm (20 mm)
Cutting Speed: Adjustable for optimal productivity
Drive System: Hydraulic, for powerful and consistent cutting performance
Operation: Manual and semi-automatic, with precise mechanical controls
Safety Features: Equipped with light curtains and emergency stop buttons for operator safety
Display: Digital screen for accurate positioning and setting of cutting parameters
Construction: Solid and stable frame for minimal vibration and maximum cutting accuracy
Sheet metal working machines
pressing capacity: 40 to
Stroke: 500 mm
Ram: 700x350 mm
Table: 700x500 mm
Daylight: 500 mm
Throat depth: 250 mm
Rapid speed: 26 mm/s
Working speed: 9 mm/s
Motor: 4 kW
Length: 1500 mm
Width: 1000 mm
Height: 2500 mm
Weight: 1500 kg
pressing capacity: 40 to
Stroke: 500 mm
Ram: 700x350 mm
Table: 700x500 mm
Daylight: 500 mm
Throat depth: 250 mm
Rapid speed: 26 mm/s
Working speed: 9 mm/s
Motor: 4 kW
Length: 1500 mm
Width: 1000 mm
Height: 2500 mm
Weight: 1500 kg
Stroke: 500 mm
Ram: 700x350 mm
Table: 700x500 mm
Daylight: 500 mm
Throat depth: 250 mm
Rapid speed: 26 mm/s
Working speed: 9 mm/s
Motor: 4 kW
Length: 1500 mm
Width: 1000 mm
Height: 2500 mm
Weight: 1500 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 3100 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 25
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 25 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=3x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Upper roll diameter: 360 mm
Lower roll diameter: 360 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 270 mm
Max. opening: 60 mm
Working height: 1510 mm
Motor power: 22 kW
Length: 5560 mm
Width: 2060 mm
Height: 2050 mm
Weight: 16750 kg
Bending length: 3100 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 25
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 25 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=3x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Upper roll diameter: 360 mm
Lower roll diameter: 360 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 270 mm
Max. opening: 60 mm
Working height: 1510 mm
Motor power: 22 kW
Length: 5560 mm
Width: 2060 mm
Height: 2050 mm
Weight: 16750 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 25
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 25 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=3x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Upper roll diameter: 360 mm
Lower roll diameter: 360 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 270 mm
Max. opening: 60 mm
Working height: 1510 mm
Motor power: 22 kW
Length: 5560 mm
Width: 2060 mm
Height: 2050 mm
Weight: 16750 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 3100 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 16
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=3x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 14 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 12 mm
Upper roll diameter: 300 mm
Lower roll diameter: 300 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 240 mm
Max. opening: 50 mm
Working height: 1140 mm
Motor power: 18.5 kW
Length: 5310 mm
Width: 1660 mm
Height: 1140 mm
Weight: 11100 kg
Bending length: 3100 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 16
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=3x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 14 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 12 mm
Upper roll diameter: 300 mm
Lower roll diameter: 300 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 240 mm
Max. opening: 50 mm
Working height: 1140 mm
Motor power: 18.5 kW
Length: 5310 mm
Width: 1660 mm
Height: 1140 mm
Weight: 11100 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 16
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=3x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 14 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 12 mm
Upper roll diameter: 300 mm
Lower roll diameter: 300 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 240 mm
Max. opening: 50 mm
Working height: 1140 mm
Motor power: 18.5 kW
Length: 5310 mm
Width: 1660 mm
Height: 1140 mm
Weight: 11100 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 3100 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 13
Max. plate thickness without prebending - mild steel: 12 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Upper roll diameter: 270 mm
Lower roll diameter: 270 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 230 mm
Max. opening: 50 mm
Working height: 1155 mm
Motor power: 15 kW
Length: 5310 mm
Width: 1660 mm
Height: 1590 mm
Weight: 10050 kg
Bending length: 3100 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 13
Max. plate thickness without prebending - mild steel: 12 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Upper roll diameter: 270 mm
Lower roll diameter: 270 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 230 mm
Max. opening: 50 mm
Working height: 1155 mm
Motor power: 15 kW
Length: 5310 mm
Width: 1660 mm
Height: 1590 mm
Weight: 10050 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 13
Max. plate thickness without prebending - mild steel: 12 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Upper roll diameter: 270 mm
Lower roll diameter: 270 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 230 mm
Max. opening: 50 mm
Working height: 1155 mm
Motor power: 15 kW
Length: 5310 mm
Width: 1660 mm
Height: 1590 mm
Weight: 10050 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 3100 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 8
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 6 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 6 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 5 mm
Upper roll diameter: 240 mm
Lower roll diameter: 240 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 190 mm
Working height: 825 mm
Motor power: 11 kW
Length: 4880 mm
Width: 1160 mm
Height: 1200 mm
Weight: 6450 kg
Bending length: 3100 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 8
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 6 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 6 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 5 mm
Upper roll diameter: 240 mm
Lower roll diameter: 240 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 190 mm
Working height: 825 mm
Motor power: 11 kW
Length: 4880 mm
Width: 1160 mm
Height: 1200 mm
Weight: 6450 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 8
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 6 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 6 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 5 mm
Upper roll diameter: 240 mm
Lower roll diameter: 240 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 190 mm
Working height: 825 mm
Motor power: 11 kW
Length: 4880 mm
Width: 1160 mm
Height: 1200 mm
Weight: 6450 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 2030 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 6
Max. plate thickness without prebending - mild steel: 6 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending - mild steel: 5 mm
Upper roll diameter: 170 mm
Motor power: 4 kW
Length: 3600 mm
Width: 1020 mm
Height: 1120 mm
Weight: 2400 kg
Bending length: 2030 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 6
Max. plate thickness without prebending - mild steel: 6 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending - mild steel: 5 mm
Upper roll diameter: 170 mm
Motor power: 4 kW
Length: 3600 mm
Width: 1020 mm
Height: 1120 mm
Weight: 2400 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 6
Max. plate thickness without prebending - mild steel: 6 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending - mild steel: 5 mm
Upper roll diameter: 170 mm
Motor power: 4 kW
Length: 3600 mm
Width: 1020 mm
Height: 1120 mm
Weight: 2400 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 1530 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 6
Max. plate thickness without prebending - mild steel: 6 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending - mild steel: 4 mm
Upper roll diameter: 150 mm
Motor power: 4 kW
Length: 3100 mm
Width: 1120 mm
Height: 1020 mm
Weight: 2100 kg
Bending length: 1530 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 6
Max. plate thickness without prebending - mild steel: 6 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending - mild steel: 4 mm
Upper roll diameter: 150 mm
Motor power: 4 kW
Length: 3100 mm
Width: 1120 mm
Height: 1020 mm
Weight: 2100 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 6
Max. plate thickness without prebending - mild steel: 6 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending - mild steel: 4 mm
Upper roll diameter: 150 mm
Motor power: 4 kW
Length: 3100 mm
Width: 1120 mm
Height: 1020 mm
Weight: 2100 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 2050 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 30
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 30 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 25 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 25 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Upper roll diameter: 350 mm
Lower roll diameter: 350 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 260 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-5 m/min
Motor power: 22 kW
Length: 5000 mm
Width: 2000 mm
Height: 1900 mm
Weight: 11000 kg
Bending length: 2050 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 30
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 30 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 25 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 25 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Upper roll diameter: 350 mm
Lower roll diameter: 350 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 260 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-5 m/min
Motor power: 22 kW
Length: 5000 mm
Width: 2000 mm
Height: 1900 mm
Weight: 11000 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 30
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 30 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 25 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 25 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Upper roll diameter: 350 mm
Lower roll diameter: 350 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 260 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-5 m/min
Motor power: 22 kW
Length: 5000 mm
Width: 2000 mm
Height: 1900 mm
Weight: 11000 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 2550 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 25
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 25 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Upper roll diameter: 350 mm
Lower roll diameter: 350 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 260 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-5 m/min
Motor power: 22 kW
Length: 5500 mm
Width: 2000 mm
Height: 1900 mm
Weight: 13000 kg
Bending length: 2550 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 25
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 25 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Upper roll diameter: 350 mm
Lower roll diameter: 350 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 260 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-5 m/min
Motor power: 22 kW
Length: 5500 mm
Width: 2000 mm
Height: 1900 mm
Weight: 13000 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 25
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 25 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Upper roll diameter: 350 mm
Lower roll diameter: 350 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 260 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-5 m/min
Motor power: 22 kW
Length: 5500 mm
Width: 2000 mm
Height: 1900 mm
Weight: 13000 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 3100 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 20
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 12 mm
Upper roll diameter: 350 mm
Lower roll diameter: 350 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 260 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-5 m/min
Motor power: 22 kW
Length: 6000 mm
Width: 2200 mm
Height: 1900 mm
Weight: 15000 kg
Bending length: 3100 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 20
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 12 mm
Upper roll diameter: 350 mm
Lower roll diameter: 350 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 260 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-5 m/min
Motor power: 22 kW
Length: 6000 mm
Width: 2200 mm
Height: 1900 mm
Weight: 15000 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 20
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 20 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 12 mm
Upper roll diameter: 350 mm
Lower roll diameter: 350 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 260 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-5 m/min
Motor power: 22 kW
Length: 6000 mm
Width: 2200 mm
Height: 1900 mm
Weight: 15000 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 2050 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 16
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Upper roll diameter: 260 mm
Lower roll diameter: 260 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 200 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 7.5 kW
Length: 4300 mm
Width: 1600 mm
Height: 1550 mm
Weight: 6100 kg
Bending length: 2050 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 16
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Upper roll diameter: 260 mm
Lower roll diameter: 260 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 200 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 7.5 kW
Length: 4300 mm
Width: 1600 mm
Height: 1550 mm
Weight: 6100 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 16
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 16 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Upper roll diameter: 260 mm
Lower roll diameter: 260 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 200 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 7.5 kW
Length: 4300 mm
Width: 1600 mm
Height: 1550 mm
Weight: 6100 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 2050 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 13
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Upper roll diameter: 245 mm
Lower roll diameter: 245 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 180 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 7.5 kW
Length: 4300 mm
Width: 1600 mm
Height: 1470 mm
Weight: 5450 kg
Bending length: 2050 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 13
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Upper roll diameter: 245 mm
Lower roll diameter: 245 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 180 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 7.5 kW
Length: 4300 mm
Width: 1600 mm
Height: 1470 mm
Weight: 5450 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 13
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 13 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Upper roll diameter: 245 mm
Lower roll diameter: 245 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 180 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 7.5 kW
Length: 4300 mm
Width: 1600 mm
Height: 1470 mm
Weight: 5450 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 3100 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 10
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 6 mm
Upper roll diameter: 260 mm
Lower roll diameter: 260 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 200 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 7.5 kW
Length: 5350 mm
Width: 1600 mm
Height: 1550 mm
Weight: 7685 kg
Bending length: 3100 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 10
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 6 mm
Upper roll diameter: 260 mm
Lower roll diameter: 260 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 200 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 7.5 kW
Length: 5350 mm
Width: 1600 mm
Height: 1550 mm
Weight: 7685 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 10
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 6 mm
Upper roll diameter: 260 mm
Lower roll diameter: 260 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 200 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 7.5 kW
Length: 5350 mm
Width: 1600 mm
Height: 1550 mm
Weight: 7685 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 2550 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 10
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 6 mm
Upper roll diameter: 245 mm
Lower roll diameter: 245 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 180 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 7.5 kW
Length: 4800 mm
Width: 1600 mm
Height: 1470 mm
Weight: 6170 kg
Bending length: 2550 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 10
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 6 mm
Upper roll diameter: 245 mm
Lower roll diameter: 245 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 180 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 7.5 kW
Length: 4800 mm
Width: 1600 mm
Height: 1470 mm
Weight: 6170 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 10
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 10 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 6 mm
Upper roll diameter: 245 mm
Lower roll diameter: 245 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 180 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 7.5 kW
Length: 4800 mm
Width: 1600 mm
Height: 1470 mm
Weight: 6170 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 2050 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 11
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 11 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 9 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 9 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Upper roll diameter: 220 mm
Lower roll diameter: 220 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 160 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 5.5 kW
Length: 4400 mm
Width: 1150 mm
Height: 1250 mm
Weight: 4080 kg
Bending length: 2050 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 11
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 11 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 9 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 9 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Upper roll diameter: 220 mm
Lower roll diameter: 220 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 160 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 5.5 kW
Length: 4400 mm
Width: 1150 mm
Height: 1250 mm
Weight: 4080 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 11
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 11 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 9 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 9 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Upper roll diameter: 220 mm
Lower roll diameter: 220 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 160 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 5.5 kW
Length: 4400 mm
Width: 1150 mm
Height: 1250 mm
Weight: 4080 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 3100 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 9
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 5 mm
Upper roll diameter: 245 mm
Lower roll diameter: 245 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 180 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 7.5 kW
Length: 5350 mm
Width: 1600 mm
Height: 1470 mm
Weight: 6850 kg
Bending length: 3100 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 9
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 5 mm
Upper roll diameter: 245 mm
Lower roll diameter: 245 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 180 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 7.5 kW
Length: 5350 mm
Width: 1600 mm
Height: 1470 mm
Weight: 6850 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 9
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 8 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 5 mm
Upper roll diameter: 245 mm
Lower roll diameter: 245 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 180 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 7.5 kW
Length: 5350 mm
Width: 1600 mm
Height: 1470 mm
Weight: 6850 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 2550 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 9
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 9 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 5 mm
Upper roll diameter: 220 mm
Lower roll diameter: 220 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 160 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 5.5 kW
Length: 4900 mm
Width: 1150 mm
Height: 1250 mm
Weight: 4600 kg
Bending length: 2550 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 9
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 9 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 5 mm
Upper roll diameter: 220 mm
Lower roll diameter: 220 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 160 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 5.5 kW
Length: 4900 mm
Width: 1150 mm
Height: 1250 mm
Weight: 4600 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 9
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 9 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 5 mm
Upper roll diameter: 220 mm
Lower roll diameter: 220 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 160 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 5.5 kW
Length: 4900 mm
Width: 1150 mm
Height: 1250 mm
Weight: 4600 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 1550 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 7
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 4.5 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 4.5 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 3.5 mm
Upper roll diameter: 150 mm
Lower roll diameter: 150 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 130 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 4 kW
Length: 3750 mm
Width: 960 mm
Height: 1100 mm
Weight: 2500 kg
Bending length: 1550 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 7
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 4.5 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 4.5 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 3.5 mm
Upper roll diameter: 150 mm
Lower roll diameter: 150 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 130 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 4 kW
Length: 3750 mm
Width: 960 mm
Height: 1100 mm
Weight: 2500 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 7
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 7 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 4.5 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 4.5 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 3.5 mm
Upper roll diameter: 150 mm
Lower roll diameter: 150 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 130 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 4 kW
Length: 3750 mm
Width: 960 mm
Height: 1100 mm
Weight: 2500 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 2050 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 6
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 6 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 4 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 4 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 3 mm
Upper roll diameter: 150 mm
Lower roll diameter: 150 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 130 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 4 kW
Length: 4250 mm
Width: 960 mm
Height: 1100 mm
Weight: 2800 kg
Bending length: 2050 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 6
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 6 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 4 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 4 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 3 mm
Upper roll diameter: 150 mm
Lower roll diameter: 150 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 130 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 4 kW
Length: 4250 mm
Width: 960 mm
Height: 1100 mm
Weight: 2800 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 6
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 6 mm
Max. plate thickness without prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 4 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 4 mm
Max. plate thickness with prebending at D=1,5x upper roll diam. - mild steel: 3 mm
Upper roll diameter: 150 mm
Lower roll diameter: 150 mm
Lateral roll diameter: 130 mm
Bending speed: 1,5-6 m/min
Motor power: 4 kW
Length: 4250 mm
Width: 960 mm
Height: 1100 mm
Weight: 2800 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 1050 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 3
Max. plate thickness with prebending - mild steel: 2 mm
Upper roll diameter: 90 mm
Length: 2080 mm
Width: 700 mm
Height: 1250 mm
Weight: 410 kg
Bending length: 1050 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 3
Max. plate thickness with prebending - mild steel: 2 mm
Upper roll diameter: 90 mm
Length: 2080 mm
Width: 700 mm
Height: 1250 mm
Weight: 410 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 3
Max. plate thickness with prebending - mild steel: 2 mm
Upper roll diameter: 90 mm
Length: 2080 mm
Width: 700 mm
Height: 1250 mm
Weight: 410 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 1270 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 1.5
Upper roll diameter: 75 mm
Motor power: 1.5 kW
Length: 1830 mm
Width: 700 mm
Height: 1160 mm
Weight: 400 kg
Bending length: 1270 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 1.5
Upper roll diameter: 75 mm
Motor power: 1.5 kW
Length: 1830 mm
Width: 700 mm
Height: 1160 mm
Weight: 400 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 1.5
Upper roll diameter: 75 mm
Motor power: 1.5 kW
Length: 1830 mm
Width: 700 mm
Height: 1160 mm
Weight: 400 kg
Sheet metal working machinesRound rolling machines
Bending length: 1270 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 1.2
Upper roll diameter: 68 mm
Motor power: 1.5 kW
Length: 1610 mm
Width: 700 mm
Height: 1160 mm
Weight: 385 kg
Bending length: 1270 mm
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 1.2
Upper roll diameter: 68 mm
Motor power: 1.5 kW
Length: 1610 mm
Width: 700 mm
Height: 1160 mm
Weight: 385 kg
Max. bending capacity - mild steel: 1.2
Upper roll diameter: 68 mm
Motor power: 1.5 kW
Length: 1610 mm
Width: 700 mm
Height: 1160 mm
Weight: 385 kg